Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What's Your Vision?

Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to 'write the vision and make it plain, so that he who runs may read it.' I did this probably about a little over half a year ago. I believe God wants to bless us in the small things. So if you write down a vision for your life...and actively work towards seeing it come to pass...if it lines up with the Will of God, then it will happen! Nash was on my Vision List. I wanted a dog from Tennessee...and I got one all the way in Michigan.

I encourage you to set aside some time to make your own Vision List, and watch it come to pass as you pray for and work towards each goal.


  1. These are wonderful goals! I definitely need to do this.

  2. Teach Nash how to bring his food bowl anytime you feed him! That way he and Luther can play bowls when they get together :)It'll give him hours of play too, learning how to flip the bowl over when its upside down and grab it in his mouth. "Bring your bowl!" CP


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