Friday, March 2, 2012

Whoa Boring Excitement!

How did I spend my morning?

Well, that's an awesome question. Here, let me answer that for you...

First, Nash wanted to wake me up early.

Then I got out of bed to take him outside. Normal routine.
Then I went back to lay down to catch a little bit more of my beauty rest.


The people upstairs came alive, and my sleep died. And Nash finished his duty.

And then FINALLY!

But wait for it....wait for it...

I reply, and slunk out of bed miserably as if dreading a hard day ahead of me.

So, I got ready (which means I brushed my teeth and my hair.) And upon arriving at this place to babysit...I thought I had just stepped inside an episode of:

So, I try not to touch much and not to breathe...(I guess I have a touch of O.C.D)

The kids and I played and had fun. I guess that was worth it all.

Then when I got home, this is me:

Because this is the most excitement my life has seen in a LONG time.


  1. This is cute. I hope your blog becomes well know for you awesome comics. :)

  2. Haha!! I loved this. What I have been missing out on by not being able to read your blog :) You never told me the Hoarders story! CP


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