God told me, before i graduated, that I WILL go home and make mistakes. He knew I would. So why do I feel so guilty? As a writer (if you are one then you would understand) I tend to think too much into things. When I am writing a book, as I am now, I have to analyze every action of each character. I have to figure out their mistake, and then their reaction to it. But I can erase it and change it to fit my liking.
I can't erase mine.
But God can.
So, in knowing this, why then am I still having such a difficult time?
I found myself reminiscing to the year prior. Where I was compared to where I am. This time last year I was alone, dark, self-destructive, suicidal...I had no hope. But now...I am different, right? I AM DIFFERENT.
I remember first entering Mercy. I remember walking in the doors. I hardly looked up. I hardly spoke. I was so locked up inside of myself. I didn't know who I was.
I remember Thanksgiving. At the time, I hated it, but looking back I can now see the beauty that was in that house. The atmosphere was so cheerful, innocent, blissful. I was still blind at that point.
Then I remember Christmas. I had never experienced anything like it. Trying to describe it to you doesn't do it justice. No one could ever understand it unless they were there. If you close your eyes and picture yourself entering the gates of Heaven. The Angels rejoicing. The atmosphere being the most pure thing. Imagine laughter. Love. No worries. Excitement. Surprises. Singing. Beautiful Christmas lights. A strong bond with those around you, that you would almost think they were physically a part of your heart.
I like to freeze right there. I am standing in the midst of all the beauty. I look around as everything is frozen. I drink it in. I enscribe each moment onto the tablet of my heart. This is the closest thing to Heaven on earth.
I used to loosely use the phrase "This is Heaven on earth." To me, Heaven was a chocolate dipped strawberry. Or a warm cappuccino on a cold winter day. Or swimming in crystal clear water on a hot summer day.
But at this frozen second, I realize for the very first time, what Heaven really is. Heaven is not tangible. It is not a fleeting object. It is not a momentary satisfying feeling. No. Heaven, I finally realize, is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Self-control.